How to make a makefile for c program
How to make a makefile for c program

StructureĪ makefile consists of three sections: target, dependencies, and rules. If you call it something else you will have to use make -f to call it.

how to make a makefile for c program

You can, however, give the file any name. You can then just invoke make and it will follow these instructions. Usually, the file that contains all the commands to make is called makefile or Makefile. You no longer have to write long and complex compiler commands every time.

how to make a makefile for c program

This is handled by the program make, following the commands in your makefile - it will only recompile the files which contains changes, and also makes it easier and faster to give the order to compile everything. If you then make a change to one of the files, you will have to recompile all the files.

how to make a makefile for c program

One will often have a program which have, say, several header files and a number of C source files. The purpose of makefiles is to help you with your coding projects.

How to make a makefile for c program